
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!i told GERMAINE my pwd to mi msn!!!!I got 300 plus fren inside ler.Wad Lao.Mother tongue compo/oral,and english oral and compo finish .Gimme a Yahoo. I got quite good marks for my oral.Stephanie is the class top score in both chinese and english.everything is like ep. english oral got like the 27-30 HIGGEST the score and chinese she got ‘‘上’’ SO DAMN GOOD !
english i got the 24-26 same as Tammi,Peggy,Celine Angela they all. chinese i only get 中上.so sad.but 张老师said that i got the 10 top higgest in my chinese class。YAHOO! my chinese higest is 心凌(cyndi),郭义欣(cherilynn kwok)AND楷霆(CHLOE)曼婷(ashley).BUT I AM HAPPY WIF MY SCORE.HEHE!4 exam more to go i think i have to relax but i can't .Chinese paper i'm afraid of it ,I HAVE ALWAYS done poorly in my chinese .(PS:last yr i only get 59 1 more mark 60 liao ).
miss tan said that if i work out on more sums,i may get 100/100 for math.SO DAMN HAPPY)DAD and mum says that as long as i work hard they would nvr care for no matter how much i have loving parents...i so fortunate...i goin work hard 4 science 2 aim 4 full marks too.MAYBE IT'S POSSIBLE MAYBE NOT BUT I will TRY my best.
Givin my cousin,Athena mi acc in MSN if you wan tok to mi don't tok on MSN.

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